Gandhi GI Group Logo

Specializing in Screening Colonoscopy with NEW Fuse Technology
and Hemorrhoid Banding/Anorectal Disorders

Patient Preps

Most patients state that the worst part of a colonoscopy is the prep. This is due to the amount of liquid they have to drink. Your stomach gets full and you start to feel nauseated or vomit. 

Small Volume Preps

At Gandhi GI we offer small volume preps which are the preferred bowel cleanses or preparation for colonoscopy. 

  • These include Plenvu, Suprep and Moviprep
  • They are safe and the amount of prep that you will need to drink is significantly less in amount than other preps.
  • Some insurances do not cover these small volume preps. In this case, the gallon prep is needed which provides a very good prep for the patient, but should be consumed as tolerated over a longer period of time - see detailed instructions for Nulytely.
Dr. Gandhi has worked hard at providing you with a prep that allows you to eat food closer to the time of the procedure as long as you strictly follow the LOW RESIDUE DIET with a list of allowed foods found on each prep.

Once you have been scheduled for your colonoscopy, please discuss your prep options with your doctor and/or medical assistant, as to which option is the best for you based on your current health status and your insurance coverage.
Patient responsibility:
  • It is very important that you follow the prep instructions provided in order to have an Optimal preparation for your exam.
  • If the bowel prep is not optimal, polyps and colon cancer can be missed.
  • In addition, the physicians cannot perform an optimal exam and the colonoscopy may take longer (increasing the risk of complications) or the procedure may need to be repeated or rescheduled.
Click on the LINKS below for detailed instructions.

EGD Prep Instructions
Low Residue, Clear & Liquid Diet

See Additional Patient Preparation Forms

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